Cities & Issues Pages

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Rep. Jeffries & House Democrats to Trump: Come Clean on Ties to Russia

Rep. Jeffries introduces resolution to compel the Trump White House and Sessions Justice Department to turn over emails, notes and all communication with Russian officials

WASHINGTON – In the aftermath of misleading information put forth by Attorney General Jeff Sessions concerning his interaction with Russian operatives, and following a steady stream of troubling revelations related to possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during last year’s presidential election, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries and House Democrats have introduced a resolution of inquiry that could compel the Administration to publicly disclose information to Congress and the American people.

The bill calls for President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to submit to Congress any documents that could connect the Trump campaign with the Russian effort to compromise our Democracy. It states that they must reveal “Any meeting or communication between any formal or informal advisor, affiliate, or employee of Donald Trump, his campaign or transition team, and any individual or entity representing the interests of Russia or individuals with interests involving Russia.”

Rep. Jeffries said: “Jeff Sessions either lied to Congress under oath or provided inaccurate information. Either way, he broke the law. The American people deserve to know why the nation’s Attorney General and all of the president’s men were in frequent contact with Russian operatives during the election. It’s time for House Republicans to put country over party. Something stinks at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. We are determined to find out if the rot goes all the way to the top.”

Rep. Ted Lieu, a co-sponsor of the resolution, said: "For the good of our Republic, there must be a full accounting of any and all ties between Russia, President Trump, his administration and his associates.  Russia waged an unprecedented, robust, covert effort to alter the outcome of our nation's 2016 election.  The importance of fully understanding if Team Trump colluded with Russia cannot be overstated.  This resolution seeks the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when it comes to the issue of Trump and Russia.  I am honored to introduce this resolution with Congressman Jefferies.  The American people have an absolute right to know the truth about Trump and his team's ties to Russia now."

Seventeen different intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia interfered with our election to help Donald Trump win the presidency. It now appears possible that Jeff Sessions, the nation’s top law enforcement officer, may have been involved with this insidious foreign interference campaign. The House of Representatives is the institution closest to the people by constitutional design. As such, the House must protect the integrity of our democracy. The resolution of inquiry is a meaningful step in that direction.
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