Cities & Issues Pages

Thursday, January 24, 2013

House & Senate Democrats Reintroduce Comprehensive Voting Rights Bill

Voter Empowerment Act Will Strengthen Our Democracy 
Through Ensuring Equal Access to Registration and Voting
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. John Lewis (GA-5), House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD-5), Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn (SC-6), Rep. John Conyers (MI-13), and Rep. Robert Brady (PA-1) reintroduced the Voter Empowerment Act in the House of Representatives.  Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York introduced a companion version in the Senate.  The Voter Empowerment Act will help ensure equal access to the ballot for every eligible voter, will modernize our voter registration system to help more Americans participate, and takes steps to eliminate deceptive practices and voter fraud that deter voters from casting their ballots. 
As more and more stories of voting problems emerge from last year’s general election, Democrats are continuing to press the issue of ensuring Americans’ voting rights through Congressional action, especially at a time when some states have implemented or are planning to implement new barriers to voting for certain groups, including seniors, students, low-income Americans, and members of our Armed Services.  The bill is being reintroduced on the anniversary of the 24th Amendment, which banned the discriminatory practice of the poll tax.
Click for a section by section descriptionfact sheetquotes in support, or full bill text of the Voter Empowerment Act.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

1 comment:

  1. People who are in this country illegally are ILLEGAL. What is wrong with you? They are not new Americans because they have circumvented the process by which they could become American. Let's stop the nonsense and call a spade a spade.
