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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Conyers: GOP Pay Freeze Legislation a Cynical Political Ploy That Punishes Federal Working People Across the Country

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For Immediate Release
Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Contact: Matthew Morgan – 202-226-5543

Conyers: GOP Pay Freeze Legislation a Cynical Political Ploy That Punishes Federal Working People Across the Country

(WASHINGTON) –  Representative John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) released the following statement in response to a Republican effort  to hold a “cost of living” (COLA) increase for middle class federal workers hostage to further the Republican Party’s political ends.   H.R.3835, a Republican sponsored bill, ties an additional two year freeze on federal worker pay to a congressional pay freeze. 

“Today, House Republicans are bringing an overtly political piece of legislation to the floor that would freeze the pay of federal employees through 2013, as well as extend the current pay freeze for Members of Congress.

“House Republicans clearly hope that those of us who support middle class Americans will throw federal civil servants under the bus in order to protect ourselves from political attacks.  It will not work.  Let me be clear - I neither need nor want a cost of living increase and I have cosponsored legislation that would keep the sensible freeze on the salaries of Members of Congress in place. On the other hand, middle class federal workers are suffering through their third consecutive year of stagnant wages, while private sector wages have increased by 4.7 percent during that same period of time.

“Since 2010, the wage freeze for federal employees has provided $60 billion in deficit reduction, while the wealthiest Americans have used their influence and lobbyists in Washington to avoid paying their fair share. This is grossly unfair and that’s why I support President Obama’s effort to provide federal workers with a small wage increase in his Fiscal Year 2013 Budget and why I am opposing this cynical Republican ‘gotcha’ legislation on the floor today.”


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